Wonder Wander

Lovely poem inspired by gorgeous painting.


For long walks
I squander
My time
For long walks
My time
Most of the time
A Wondering
In my own mind
My time
And wondering

I’m almost laughing
But I keep
Waking up


Poem by Sean Smith AKA Death by Cartoon. Painting by Oluf Nielsen, Titled “Wandering in Wonder”.

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I Can’t Make You Love Me

Dear Lord, Donna, you make me laugh! More cowbell? You bet! My best advice, which is life advice because I have not right to give blogging advice is: be fearless, work hard, and enjoy the ride. More personally, engage and share the love. And, thanks for digging Twitter & not so much Facebook 🙂


1blog70It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a woman in possession of a blog, must be in want of readers.

For some, blogs take off faster than a Nascar driver chasing after sponsorship, for most others, like me, it’s a slow ride…

I know some of the reasons it’s been a slow ride, I’ve broken the first rule of The Blog Club, don’t talk about The Blog Club, no, that’s not it, oh yes, find a niche. Never have, probably never will. I figure if I get bored, you will too.

To me, giving blogging advice is like trying to explain to someone how to: dance, paint, drive, or make love in a canoe. Sometimes you just have to do it and make the mistakes, have the close calls, possibly tip over at the most inopportune moment.

When asked my blogging advice I offered http://yadadarcyyada.com/2015/04/10/im-hooked-on-a-feeling/


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Thank you, Shawna, for taking the initiative to connect bloggers with Twitter and vice versa! #LinkYourLife

The Honeyed Quill

I created a hashtag on Twubs called #LinkYourLife. You can join the Twub here, or employ the tag on Twitter. Use it to share work or moments that best capture who you are. I want to know who you are. Let’s meet up every Friday to link our lives, share each other’s work, and form more lasting Twitter connections. Online connections can be glancing. Let’s get personal.

What you should link:

1) Who you are, what you do, and a piece of work (blog, publication, poem, story, whatever) that you feel best represents you.

2) Work by others that you believe best captures who they are, or pieces by others that speak to your own life experience. Tell why.

3) Non-pornographic images that capture a moment in your life.

Be sure to retweet generously, but the goal of this hashtag share is to read and discover, so read work first. Get to…

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12 Ways to Say “Thanks” to Mom This Mother’s Day

Seriously funny! + Emily shares, “100% of the proceeds will go to Every Mother Counts, an organization dedicated to making pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother and baby.”

The Waiting

So, the other day I was trying to explain to C the significance of Mother’s Day since this is the first year she’s actually kind of aware of this, the High Holy Day of maternal sacrifice. I told her that it’s a day when we think about how much we love our moms and thank them for all they do.

She looked at me blankly as she is wont to do when I explain highfalutin concepts of love and fidelity.

I reworked my explanation: “It’s like Christmas for mommies. I’ll go to Starbucks all afternoon by myself.”

That registered for her.

Sure, there is a lot of flowery language that we can assign to our love for our mothers. There are expensive brunches that could be eaten whilst wearing big hats, too. But is that what we really want?

Maybe not. Maybe our primal desire is to simply go to…

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Relationship 1.0 2.0 3.0?

Insightful and helpful post about how to take care of oneself in relationship to others.


I’ve been thinking about posts, one in particular, by Deb, where she talks about her marriage. I don’t think I’m in any position to dispense advice. But thoughts, those I do have.

I don’t know what it’s like to be married a long time and not happy in that relationship. I did, however, watch my parents in that life. And I watch other people’s relationships and marriages. I’m innately curious about how other people live, and especially about the dynamics of love and of family (with the thought that two people can comprise a family).

Is there anything more important than the single person you choose to live your life with? Your partner? It just seems to me that the chosen person holds the key to everything vital. There are those people, who live together, who are married, but effectively go their own ways, and lead lives apart from…

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Is That Your Fitbit Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Fit and funny!

Carrie Rubin

A while back I sent out the following tweet:

telomere tweet upper half

Shortly after, a good Twitter bud gave me some much-deserved ribbing:

No, Sheldon didn’t star my tweet and Penny didn’t reply. I’ve messed with the photo to protect the innocent. No, Sheldon didn’t star my tweet and Penny didn’t reply. I’ve messed with the photo to protect the innocent.

If that 140-character stinker doesn’t highlight my Frasier Crane tendencies, I don’t know what does.

But this post isn’t about what comes out of my eggheaded blowhole. We covered that last time. Today it’s about what comes out of my Fitbit.


Not long ago, I invested in a Fitbit fitness tracker. I’m all about people maintaining their health, and if these devices motivate you to do so, I say go for it. After all, who doesn’t want longer telomeres?

But unfortunately, because I’m too lazy to input my eating and exercise data, I use the tracker more as a glorified pedometer. Therefore, I won’t review its functions.

Instead, I’d like to…

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Three boys at play vs. a natural disaster: who can tell the difference?

Boys at play are earthquakes waiting to happen ❤

Snoozing on the Sofa

Back when I was a fresh college graduate, and lived in that special, naïve bubble that only fresh college graduates inhabit, I took my shiny Telecommunications – Emphasis in Video Production degree to Los Angeles. I had done well in school, so I would certainly be directing The Tonight Show within the blink of an eye.

I learned a lot in L.A. I saw things that were an eyeful, and then some, for a callow country boy. But the most important thing I learned was that I was unemployable there in my chosen field. Somebody with the authority to say so was kind of enough to tell me that straight out.

Consequently, I began my post-collegiate career making minimum wage in the mall. A few months later, I landed an office temp job. After the mall, it felt like I had made it to the Big Time.

Lost causeThe plastic furniture of…

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Watching baby’s weight

Brave in battle. Devin writes, “Sometimes the only help a mother needs is for everyone else to back the hell off. “

D.K. Pope

I have a demon that sits around the corner, watchful and waiting. This particular demon introduced himself when my son was two days old and my midwife’s eyes became deep with worry as she said,

“Henry’s weight is down more than we’d like. You should get a second opinion.”

And so the demon swooped in, landed on my shoulder and our fight began.

Henry was born weighing 9lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long. Then, over his first few days his weight dropped a little more than it was supposed to and everyone freaked out. So my husband and I trudged from lactation consultant to pediatrician and back again, our son clutched in my arms.

The demon, aka “Weight Loss,” had me convinced that I was failing. You can’t even feed your child. He’s wasting away. What’s more important to you, breastfeeding or having a child who lives?

The demon…

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