Save Yourself

Same behavior+same thoughts=stuck
It’s as simple as that.”


If only it was easy to practice what I preach.. Intentions are great, really they are, but intentions alone are not enough to get results. When I am at my most miserable point, when I beat myself up the most, is when my intentions do not match up with my behavior. I guess to put it another way, my will or desire to be and live a certain way is sabotaged by repeating the same behavior or being defeated by the same damaging repetitive thoughts. It’s like my mind and actions are a total contradiction to each other. What could possibly be more frustrating than having a destination mapped out, having the exact route in the palm of my hand, and StILL I consciously choose to go a different direction? It seems so foolish as I write it down and search my mind for the exact logic behind the deviation…

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