Artful Reminder To Enjoy Your Kids

” I also really like his mom’s advice to him, which was, “Have fun. Just don’t get arrested and don’t get killed” but I decided that, “Enjoy Them” might look nicer on the wall 🙂 “

Maggie May's

DSC06945A phrase my dad often says when referring to my kids is, “Enjoy Them.”

I appreciate hearing that because, quite frankly, I can use the reminder. It’s so easy to get caught up in raising our kids that sometimes we forget to just enjoy them. Thankfully, grandparents are excellent reminders of this.

One of my favorite movie clips is from the movie, Parental Guidance. The scene is funny because of its ridiculousness, but more funny because it’s true. Billy Crystal and Bette Midler play the role of grandparents who will be watching their grandkids for the weekend and are asking if there is anything they need to keep in mind. The parents, of course, have plenty for them to keep in mind.

Sound familiar to anyone?

I thought it might help to make an artistic reminder of my dad’s great parenting advice by displaying it where I would see it often. I also…

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